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Ulysses S. Grant Information Center: Home

Information about General and President Ulysses S. Grant and resources for doing research. Includes material suitable for the K-12 audience.

Ulysses S. Grant Information Center - Resources and Research Tools Relating to America's Greatest Hero

NEW! Comprehensive List of Grant-Related Sites, United States and International. Fully revised and updated in June, 2024

Purpose of this Website

The purpose of this website is to disseminate selected information and resources on Union General and Eighteenth President of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant. Informativeness, relevancy, accuracy and fairness are the main criteria the author of the website applied in selecting material. 

The reader will find both links to pre-selected websites and documents and original documents written by the author of the website and other experts in the field of history and the study of U. S. Grant. 

The audience is anyone interested in Grant, including the K-12 audience, for whom there is a section in this website dedicated to age-appropriate materials for students. There is also a section for those wishing to do advanced, in-depth research.

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Fast Facts About Ulysses S. Grant

  • Born: April 27, 1822, Point Pleasant, Ohio
  • Parents: Jesse Root Grant (1794-1873) and Hannah Simpson Grant (1798-1883). USG was their first child.
  • Brothers: Samuel Simpson Grant, 1825-1861. Orvil Lynch Grant, 1835-1881 (obituary).
  • Sisters: Rachel Clara Grant, 1828-1865. Virginia Paine Grant Corbin, 1832-1913. Mary Frances Grant Cramer, 1839-1905.
  • Children: Frederick Dent Grant (May 30, 1850-April 12, 1912).    Ulysses "Buck" S. Grant, Jr. (July 22, 1852-Sept. 25, 1929).   Ellen "Nellie" Wrenshall Grant (July 4, 1855-August 30, 1922).   Jesse Root Grant, II (Feb. 6, 1858-June 8, 1934)
  • Went to West Point: 1839
  • Graduated from West Point: 1843
  • Mexican War: 1844-1846
  • Married, August 22, 1848 to Julia Dent Grant (Jan. 26, 1826-December 14, 1902)
  • Left the Army: 1854
  • Returned to the Army: 1861
  • Promoted to Lieutenant General of all Union Armies: March, 1864
  • Received Surrender from General Robert E. Lee at Appomattox: April 9, 1865
  • Elected President 1868 and 1872. Served from 1869 to 1877. Forty-six years old when first elected
  • Went on World Tour: 1877-1879
  • Died: July 23, 1885 of throat cancer at Mt. McGregor, New York. Age 63.
  • Link to a complete timeline from PBS's American Experience.
  • Link to Grant's complete military service from the Grant Presidential Library.

General and President Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant Information Center on Pinterest

Critique of Endnotes Relating to Grant and Drinking Allegations in Grant, by Ron Chernow

If you use any of my opinions in your own research, please cite me. Dr. Marie Kelsey.

Ulysses S. Grant: A Bibliography. Free Update Here. Original Volume May Be Ordered From Amazon

Author of this Website, Dr. Marie Kelsey

Information About the Author

Marie E. Kelsey, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minnesota
Ph.D. Library Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Former director of the Educational and Media and Technology program (licensure and master's degree) at St. Scholastica
Full disclosure: Ulysses S. Grant is my avocation and I do not have a degree in history.
Author of Ulysses S. Grant, A Bibliography, Westport, Connecticut, Praeger, 2005. Buy it at Amazon, get the free update above.