Example with an author:
Lustig, T. Gutenberg: First modern inkmaker? The inventor of movable type probably also created the first workable printing ink. Spiral, 2022.
If this article did not have an author it would be cited as:
Gutenberg: First Modern Inkmaker? The Inventor of Movable Type Probably Also Created the First Workable Printing Ink. Spiral, 2022.
Start with the name of the article, book, or web page if no author is given.
According to p. 295 of the MLA Handbook 9th ed. Spell out months in the body of your paper and abbreviate as follows in your works cited list:
January = Jan.
February = Feb.
March = Mar.
April = Apr.
May = May
June = June
July = July
August = Aug.
September = Sept.
October = Oct.
November = Nov.
December = Dec.
From a print newspaper:
Ashenmacher, Will. "Reversing the Sands of Time: After Years of Neglect and Abuse,
Park Point's Dune Ecosystem is Making a Comeback Thanks to the Work of
Volunteers." Duluth News-Tribune, 31 May 2018, p. 1A.
Or from an online database from the Library:
Ashenmacher, Will. "Reversing the Sands of Time: After Years of Neglect and Abuse,
Park Point's Dune Ecosystem is Making a Comeback Thanks to the Work of
Volunteers." Duluth News-Tribune, 31 May 2018, p. 1A. America's Newspapers, doi:10/sd3098sjdflkj.
Author: Ashenmacher, Will. Last name, then first and middle. Avoid initials, if possible. End with a period. |
Title & subtitle of the article: "Reversing the Sands of Time: After Years of Neglect and Abuse, Park Point's Dune Ecosystem is Making a Comeback Thanks to the Work of Volunteers." The title & subtitle are separated by a colon. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and subtitle, and all proper nouns and important words. Place article title & subtitle in quotations and end with a period. |
Title & subtitle of newspaper: Duluth News-Tribune, The title & subtitle are separated by a colon. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and subtitle, and all proper nouns and important words. Italicize newspaper title & subtitle and end with a comma. |
Date of publication: 31 May 2018, If weekly, day of month followed by abbreviation of month. Year is followed by a comma to separate it from the page numbers. |
Edition and section: Applicable for example with the New York Times. Indicate the edition of the paper, use lowercase letters and abbreviate. If the paper has a section (this example does not) it is separated from the edition with a comma, and abbreviated. [For example: late ed., sec. 2:] |
Page numbers: p. 1A. Identify the section with appropriate letter preceded by the abbreviation p. for one page or pp. for more than one page. Since articles in newspapers seldom run with consecutive page numbers, indicate an article of more than one page length by adding the + sign after the initial page such as A1+. End with a period. |
If you used an online database such as America's Newspapers to get the full-text of this article, then you have a few more parts including:
Database: America's Newspapers,
Give the name of the online database you located the article in. Italicize and end with a comma.
DOI number OR Website Address: doi:10/sd3098sjdflkj. OR www.americasnewspapers+=duluthnewstribune?2390.
Add the doi number (digital object identifier) if one is given for the article. Include the lower-case letters doi followed by a colon, no space and then the number which usually starts with 10.
If a doi number is not given, then give the website address for the article. Use the permalink if possible. In our EBSCO databases, click on the Permalink option in the right-hand column to get this URL.
End either way with a period.