Olsen, Mary. Interview. Conducted by Shawn Silver, 15 Mar. 2022.
Over the telephone:
Olsen, Mary. Telephone interview with the author, 15 Mar. 2022.
Author: Olsen, Mary.
Provide the last name and first name of the person you interviewed, followed by a period.
Interview: Interview.
Give the word Interview and end with a period.
Conducted by: Shawn Silver,
Give the words Conducted by and then who did the interview with first name and then last name followed by a comma.
If you conducted the interview, then give the words Conducted by the author,
If the interview was over the telephone, give the words Telephone interview.
Date: 15 Mar. 2022.
List the date of the interview using the appropriate abbreviation for the month. End citation with a period.
Olsen, Mary. E-mail to Shawn Silver. 15 Mar. 2022.
Olsen, Mary. Text message to the author. 15 Mar. 2022.
Author: Olsen, Mary.
Provide the last name and first names of the author of the email or text message, followed by a period.
E-mail or Text: E-mail to Shawn Silver.
Give the words E-mail to or Text message to and then the first and last name of the person who received the e-mail or text message followed by a period.
If you received the e-mail, then give the words E-mail to or Text message to the author.
Date: 15 Mar. 2022.
The date of the e-mail or text message using the appropriate abbreviation for the month. End citation with a period.
According to p. 295 of the MLA Handbook 9th ed. Spell out months in the body of your paper and abbreviate as follows in your works cited list:
January = Jan.
February = Feb.
March = Mar.
April = Apr.
May = May
June = June
July = July
August = Aug.
September = Sept.
October = Oct.
November = Nov.
December = Dec.