Blue Man Group. How To Be a Megastar Live! Rhino Records, 2008.
Gershwin, G. Gershwin Greatest Hits. Performance by Boston Pops Orchestra, Earl Wild, and
Peter Nero. RCA, 2010.
Artists Involved: Blue Man Group. or Gershwin, G.
Either list the band name, lead performer, or composer, etc. If it is a person's name, list the last name followed by the first initial of first name. End with a period.
Title & subtitle of the recording: How To Be a Megastar Live! or Gershwin Greatest Hits.
The title & subtitle are separated by a colon. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and subtitle, and all proper nouns and important words. Place article title & subtitle in Italics and end with a period. If there is final punctuation like an exclamation point or a question mark, this will replace the final period.
Performers: Performance by Boston Pops Orchestra, Earl Wild, and Peter Nero.
If listed, put the words Performance by and then give the names of the performers and end with a period.
Publisher: Rhine Records or RCA,
List the manufacturer or publisher of the sound recording. Place a comma after the publisher's name to separate it from the year of publication.
Year of publication: 2008 or 2010.
List the year of the publication of the recording. End citation with a period.
[The above information is based on p. 39 of the MLA Handbook 8th edition and Purdue OWL].
Presley, E. "Jailhouse Rock." Essential Elvis Presley, BMG, 2007.
Artists Involved: Presley, E.
List either the band name, lead performer, or composer, etc. If it is a person's name, list the last name followed by the first initial of first name. End with a period.
Title & subtitle of the song: "Jailhouse Rock."
The title & subtitle are separated by a colon. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and subtitle, and all proper nouns and important words. Place article title & subtitle in quotation marks and end with a period.
Title & subtitle of the album: Essential Elvis Presley,
The title & subtitle are separated by a colon. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and subtitle, and all proper nouns and important words. Place article title & subtitle in Italics and end with a comma.
Publisher: BMG,
List the manufacturer or publisher of the sound recording. Place a comma after the publisher's name to separate it from the year of publication.
Year of publication: 2007.
List the year of the publication of the recording. End citation with a period.
[The above information is based on p. 39 of the MLA Handbook 8th edition and Purdue OWL].