McGill, Ivan, John Kurt Glenn, and Alice
Brockbank. The Action Learning Handbook: Powerful Techniques for Education. Rutledge Falmer, 2014.
List the first author last name first followed by the first and middle names followed by a comma. All other authors are listed first name followed by the last name. Insert the word "and" and a comma before the last author.
Note: If there are more than three authors, just list the first one followed by et al., which is Latin for and others. There is a period after al but not et. Example: Nelson, Karl, et al. Fish Is for Everyone. Penguin Press, 2016.
Gibbs, Janet Trist. Children of Color: Psychological Interventions With Minority Youth. Edited by John C. Cowl, Jossey-Bass, 2015.
Place the words Edited by before the editor's name. Put a comma after the editor's name.
Smith, Susan. Clinical Skills: Basic to Advanced Skills. 7th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2015.
Place the edition number after the book title. Follow by ed.,
Cohen, Daniel. Our Modern Times: The New Nature of Capitalism in the Information Age.
MIT Press, 2013. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). https://akin.css.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?
direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=694388&site=eds-live&scope=site. Accessed 11 Jan. 2016.
Author: Cohen, Daniel.
Last name, then first and middle. Avoid initials, if possible. End with a period.
Title & subtitle of the book: Our Modern Times: The New Nature of Capitalism in the Information Age.
The title & subtitle are separated by a colon. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and subtitle, and all proper nouns and important words. Italicize the title & subtitle and end with a period.
Publisher: MIT Press,
Give the publisher for the book. The place of publication is optional.
Date of publication: 2015.
Year the book was published, end with a period.
Database: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost).
The name of the eBook collection you located the book in. Italicize and end with a comma.
URL or website: https://akin.css.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=694388&site=eds-live&scope=site.
Add the website address for the book. Use the permalink if possible. In our EBSCO databases, click on the Permalink option in the right-hand column to get this URL. End with a period.
Access date: Accessed 11 Jan. 2016.
Day, month, and year you accessed the electronic book preceded by the word Accessed. Use the proper abbreviations for months. End the citation with a period.
[The above information in based on the MLA Handbook 8th edition]
According to p. 95 of the MLA Handbook 8th ed. Spell out months in the body of your paper and abbreviate as follows in your works cited list:
January = Jan.
February = Feb.
March = Mar.
April = Apr.
May = May
June = June
July = July
August = Aug.
September = Sept.
October = Oct.
November = Nov.
December = Dec.