Morning in the South Reading Room of the Library.
SOLAR is the Library's discovery service. It searches our print, eBook, and journal databases, and other librarian-selected resources. It's best when you are looking for a few books & articles or if you are open to serendipity. Use our specialized databases if you are looking for a more thorough search.
Academic Search Premier is our workhorse. It has something for everyone, and if we were allowed only one database, it would be ASP.
The CSS Library offers you access to over 200 databases. Here are some "best bets" that focus on the classes offered at CSS. Use the All Databases tab to take a deep dive into what the Library can offer.
Specialized databases offer you the use of controlled vocabulary which allows for an organized and thorough search on a topic.
Premier database for psychology. Includes indexing of journals, books, & dissertations.
Citations to journals (including over 450 full-text journals), essays, and book reviews. Includes the former Catholic Periodical & Literature Index. Produced by the American Theological Library Association.
(Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health). Comprehensive coverage of the nursing literature.
The CSS Library offers access to hundreds of local, national, and international newspapers ranging in date from the early 19th century to this very morning.
The CSS Library offers access to over 200 databases. To determine which is the right one for your topic, use the drop down All Subjects Menu on our Databases, A to Z menu.