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Citation help for Council of Science Editors, 8th edition: Journal articles

A brief introduction to basic citation formats in CSE, 8th edition.

Journal article - Name-Year System

Journal articles (from Section

Basic Format – Author last name First initial. Year. Article title. Journal title. Volume(issue number):pages. doi:

Note: All authors are listed until the eleventh, after the tenth it is “et al.” There is no “and” between authors, just commas (see below).

Note: Journal titles are abbreviated. Abbreviations can be determined using the NLM: Journals Referenced in the NCBI Database:

Note: There is no spacing between the volume, issue, & page numbers. If no doi is apparent, omit it from the citation.


Examples and variations:

Weissl J, Hulsmeyer V, Brauer C, Tipold A, Koskinen LL, Kyostila K, Lohi H, Sauter-Louis C, Wolf M, Fischer A. 2012. Disease progression and treatment response of idiopathic epilepsy in Australian Shepherd dogs. J Vet Intern Med. 26(1):116-125. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2011.00853.x

     In text example: Frequent uncontrolled seizures leads to decreased survival rates in shepherds (Weissl et al. 2012).

Variation - Continually paginated journal article without an issue number
Hedan B, Corre S, Hitte C, Dreano S, Viboux T, Derrien T, Denis B, Galibert F, Galibert M, Andre C. 2006. Coat colour in dogs: identification of the Merle locus in the Australian Shepherd breed. BMC Vet Res. 2:1-10. doi:10.1016/j.mcp.2012.03.009

     In text example: The tip of canine chromosome 10 is linked to merle phenotype in Australian Shepherd breeds (Hedan et al. 2006).