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EDU 6190 - Using Data to Improve Learning: Citing Your Sources

This is a course guide to assist you with locating data sets for Education.

Common Citation Style Used in EDU

APA Manual, 7th ed.

 APA Manual, 7th Edition

  • Used within the Social Sciences including Nursing, Business, Education, Psychology, etc.

Citing Your Sources

In the School of Education, the citation style used the most is APA. The reason why is because Education falls under the large umbrella of Social Sciences. APA is the citation style used predominately in the Social Sciences. Use the following links to help you with proper APA writing, citing your sources, and locating answers to your questions. Feel free to contact Julie Rustad or the CSS Library if you need assistance with APA.


EndNote is software that can organize, store, and input citations into Word documents to help you with your research. The College of St. Scholastica has a site license which offers two options for you to access Endnote and you can either pick one or use both as the situation warrants.

EndNote has its own YouTube channel to learn more advanced features of this incredibly powerful program:

1. EndNote Download
To download EndNote, click on the link to the Google doc below for instructions
2. EndNote Online

Writing Help

The Rose Warner Writing and Critical Thinking Center

Click here for the homepage

The Writing Center helps students become better writers and critical thinkers. Our space is available for studying, writing, printing, or collaborating. We're ready to help all students reach their writing goals for all forms of writing, including reflection essays, argumentative essays, research papers, and literature reviews.

Our writing consultants strive to help you learn to improve various aspects of your writing—from idea development and organization to grammar and mechanics to meeting the expectations and conventions of the various genres and audiences you may find yourself writing for in college and beyond. 

There are various ways to get writing support including dropping in to the Writing Center in Tower 2121, by appointment in person or on Zoom, submitting a paper online for asynchronous feedback, or using