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Diversity and Inclusion Resources



Tanner, Kimberley (2020) "Structure Matters: 21 Teaching Strategies to Promote Engagement and Cultivate Classroom Equity," CBE-Life Sciences Education: Vol. 12: No. 3 Available at:  

Akamine Phillips, Jennifer; Risdon, Nate; Lamsma, Matthew; Hambrick, Angelica; and Jun, Alexander (2019) "Barriers and Strategies by White Faculty Who Incorporate Anti-Racist Pedagogy," Race and Pedagogy Journal: Teaching and Learning for Justice: Vol. 3: No. 2, Article 1. Available at: 

Hill, Heather C. (2020, November) "Culturally responsive teaching Is promising: But there's a pressing need for more research. Education Week: Vol. Vol. 39: No. 26 Available at:
