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Sustainability Resources in the CSS Library: Home

Resources on sustainability from the CSS Library.

Reference, to "refer to"

Windmill in Flanders. Oil painting, 1894.

“Windmill in Flanders,” by Theo van Rysselberghe, 1894. Oil on canvas. Image from Credo Reference.

For the student and scholar, reference can have two meaning. One, a source that you can refer to for answers, and also the source, or reference, that accompanies a book or article. A good encyclopedia article gives you the best of both. Try starting your research with Credo Reference.


For more in-depth answers, try the 2 volume Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy. And if you like that, how about Achieving Sustainability: Visions, Principles, and Practices, or The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism?

And don’t be a stranger to the print collection, or you will be missing out on the 10 volume Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, the 2 volume Our Earth’s Changing Land: An Encyclopedia of Land-Use and Land-Cover ChangeWater Planet: The Culture, Politics, Economics, and Sustainability of Water on Earth, and more!

Remember to check the bibliography at the end of an article - a basic trick to build your own bibliography for your paper. Browse the master list of print & electronic encyclopedias available to you as a student for more great sources for your other classes.

Articles on sustainability

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Books on sustainability

Search for CSS print & ebooks on sustainability.

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Aldo Leopold, Environmental Philosopher

Photograph of Aldo Leopold, from the Library of Congress

Aldo Leopold - environmentalist, co-founder of the Wilderness Society, and author of The Sand County Almanac. Aldo Leopold "worked out a philosophical concept he called ‘the land ethic’. The concept, he wrote, ‘simply enlarges the boundaries of the (human) community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively the land’" (The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide). Image from the Library of Congress, via Credo Reference.

School of Arts & Letters Librarian

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Todd White

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