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Film Studies: Quick Facts/Brief Reviews

This guide has been developed to provide an overview of library and internet sources for courses in film studies.

Quick Facts/Brief Reviews

As you begin your research, there are several sources that you might consult as a quick reference to the film or films that you are considering for your paper.

Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Awards Databases.
This site includes two databases. One tracks the Oscars: its winners and nominees. The second tracks acceptance speeches for the awards; many of these entries include videos of the speeches.

Best Heist Films of All Time.
From the British site, Time Out, this is a good list with short summaries of 60 heist films. 

Halliwell, Leslie. Halliwell's Film Guide, 2004. New York: Harper Resource, 2003. Call number: Ref. PN1993.45 .H34X 2004
Halliwell's is a standard print reference source with brief plot summaries for over 23,000 films. It also includes basic
title information such as country and date of release, running time and cast. Many of the entries include brief quotes from
professional critics.

Internet Movie Database (IMDB). 2019. Internet Movie Database, Inc. 10 Oct. 2019
IMDB is an excellent source of online information for individual films. Most of the entries have links to external reviews by newspapers and other online sites devoted to film. IMDB is a real treasure if you are interested in tracking the body of work of individual actors, directors, producers, screenwriters or other individuals involved in the film industry.

Kael, Pauline. 5001 Nights at the Movies: A Guide from A to Z. New York: Holt, Rineholdt and Winston, 1984. Call number:   Ref. PN1995 .K19 1982.
5001 Nights is another excellent source for brief film reviews. Kael was one of the great American film critics, and wrote for the New Yorker from the late 1960s to the early 1990s.

Metacritic. 2021. 4 March 2021  This aggregator site provides access to press reviews of films including from numerous newspapers. Among the titles covered is the excellent Time Out which offers brief, and often amusing reviews.

Mitchell, Charles P.  A Guide to Apocalyptic Cinema. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001.
This work discusses and critiques 50 films in the genre. One of its appendices includes a list of additional titles in apocalyptic cinema. Another appendix lists titles in the subgenre post-apocalyptic film.

Rotten Tomatoes. 14 September 2021. This site provides brief overviews of films including cast and crew information. More importantly, it is a very good aggregator of reviews from popular magazines and newspapers.

Time Out.  2019. Time Out Group, Ltd.  10 Oct. 2019
Use the Time Out web site to search a database of over 20,000 film reviews. The articles on this site are brief, well-written, and often quite amusing.