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CSS Library Virtual Book Displays

Highlighting the library's collections with reading lists on various topics of interest to the CSS community.

Display Introduction

Pride Month 2024  

June is PRIDE Month! Here in the Library, we are celebrating the accomplishments and the impact that the LGBTQ2S+ community has had on our communities and history by sharing their talents, gifts, creativity, and goodwill. This year, we have a special focus on LGBTQ2S+ authors. 

Check out some of the authors that are available in the Library, including some historical LGBTQ2S+ authors you should read.

All items on display are available to check out. For our online and extended CSS community members, you may request items to be sent to you by contacting




Source: Library of Congress, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride Month; 9 LGBTQ Writers You Should Read

Available Titles at the Library