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The New SOLAR Interface: Home

Guide to our new version of SOLAR.

PICOT Search (October, 2024)
Hey, health science majors! A PICOT search has been add to the right of "advanced search" in the upper right-hand of the landing screen.

When will our other Ebsco databased transfer to the new Ebsco Interface?  (September, 2024)

Ebsco has announced a transition date of January 7, 2025.

Folder issues  (July 2024)
Ebsco folders from the old interface have not transferred to the new interface. A tech ticket has been filed with Ebsco and the issue is being worked on.

Workaround - Your old folder is still accessible from any of our stand-alone Ebsco databases such as CINAHL Ultimate or Academic Search Ultimate.

Update (August 30) - Ebsco will migrate folder content to the new SOLAR interface in January 2025. Until then, continue to access your old folder as instructed above.

Articles will not save to Google Drive   (July 2024)

Currently you cannot save .pdfs from the new SOLAR to your CSS Google drive.  A tech ticket has been filed with Ebsco and the issue is being worked on.

Still unresolved.