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SWK 6400 - Policy and Services in Diverse Settings: Home

Class reading for SWK 6400.

Required and Supplemental Reading

SWK 6400 - Policy and Service in Diverse Settings
Required and Supplemental Readings

Fall 2015


History & Defining Mental Illness

Drake, R., Green, A., Mueser, K., & Goldman, H. (2003). The history of community mental health treatment and rehabilitation for persons with severe mental illness. Community Mental Health Journal, 39, 427-440.

New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. (2003).  Achieving the promise: Transforming mental health care in America. Final report. DHHS Pub. No. SMA-03-3832. Rockville, MD: U.S. Dept. of Education.


Funding Mental Health Care

Busch, S., & Barry, C. (2007).  Mental health disorders in childhood: Assessing the burden on families. Health Affairs, 26, 1088-1095. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.26.4.1088

Gladwell, M. (2006, February 26). Million-Dollar Murray. The New Yorker, 82(1), 96-107.


Mental Health Professional Practice

National Association of Social Workers. (2005). NASW standards for clinical social work in social work practice. Washington, D.C.: Author.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2013). Mental health services. Washington, DC: Department of Health and Human Services.

2013 Minnesota Statutes (excerpts).



Cook, B., Zuvekas, S., Carson, N., Wayne, G., Vesper, A., & McGuire, T. (2014). Assessing racial/ethnic disparities in treatment across episodes of mental health care. HSR: Health Services Research, 49, 206-229.

Hudson, C. (2012). Disparities in the geography of mental health: Implications for Social Work. Social Work, 57, 107-119.

Bringewatt, E., & Gershoff, E. (2010). Falling through the cracks: Gaps and barriers in the mental health system for America's disadvantaged children. Children and Youth Services Review, 32, 1291-1299.

Gorman, L., Blow, A., Ames, B., & Reed, P. (2011).  National Guard families after combat: Mental health, use of mental health services, and perceived treatment barriers. Psychiatric Services, 62, 28-34. doi: 10.1176/

Aratani, Y., & Cooper, J. (2012).  Racial and ethnic disparities in the continuation of community-based children's mental health services. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 39, 116-129.

Cook, B., & Alegria, M. (2011). Racial-ethnic disparities in substance abuse treatment: The role of criminal history and socioeconomic status. Psychiatric Services, 62, 1273-1281.


Community Integration

Ware, N., Hopper, K. Tugenberg, t., Dickey, B., & Fisher, D. (2008). A theory of social integration as quality of life. Psychiatric Services, 59, 27-33.

Hacks, S., Larrison, C., & Gone, J. (2014). American Indian identity in mental health services utilization data from a rural midwestern sample. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20, 68-74.

Nieminen, I., Ramon, S., Dawson, I. Flores, P. Leahy, E., Pedersen, M. & Kaunonen, M. (2012-2013). Experiences of social inclusion and employment of mental health service users in a European Union project. International Journal of Mental Health, 41(4), 3-23.

Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. (2006). Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance-use conditions. Washington, D.C.: The Author.

Lewis, M., Scott, D., & Calfee, C. (2013). Rural social service disparities and creative social work solutions for rural families across the life span. Journal of Family Social Work, 16, 101-115.

Chang, J., Natsuaki, M., & Chen, C. (2013).  The importance of family factors and generation status: Mental health service use among Latino and Asian Americans. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 19, 236-247.






Required Viewing