12th Annual Bede Award For
Undergraduate Library Research
The College of St. Scholastica Library is offering a $350 award for excellence in undergraduate library research. The purpose of this award is to recognize excellence in the areas of research and information literacy. The Bede Award is named after the Venerable Bede, a Benedictine scholar also known as the Father of English History, whose image will be familiar to those who visit our campus library.
The Bede Award is underwritten by the College of St.Scholastica Library Friends group.
The award recognizes excellence in the following areas:
· The ability to locate, evaluate and select library research material for integration into an academic paper or project.
· Personal learning in the areas of information literacy and research which will be carried into future academic work.
Submission Requirements. Each submission must include:
Please note that the judges place extra emphasis on the essay when selecting the recipient for this award.
To submit your research paper and essay, please send the two documents as attachments to Heidi Johnson at hjohnso2@css.edu by Sunday, March 16. Please contact Heidi by email or phone--218.723.6488--if you are unable to submit your documents by email.
Library faculty and staff will assemble a panel for a blind review of submissions to the competition. The panel will use a scoring rubric for evaluating individual submissions. Please see below for a link to that document.
Award Reception:
This year's Bede Award will be announced at a special reception this spring. The reception will also include a presentation of the Deans' Purchase Award by the CSS Art Department.
Reference: Jones, L. (2009). The rewards of research: Library prizes for undergraduate research. College & Research Libraries News, 70, 338-341.