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PMR 6119 Reading List

To access this article, click on the citation. You will be prompted for your CSS login. This is the same username and password you use to access Brightspace, my.CSS, and your CSS email.

If you encounter any problems accessing these readings, please contact Julie Rustad.

Citroen, C. L. (2011). The role of information in strategic decision-making. International Journal of Information Management, 31(6), 493-501.

Eisenhardt, K. M. (1999). Strategy as strategic decision making. Sloan Management Review, 40(3), 65-72.

Gundars, B. (2012). Strategic management in creative industry organizations: Specifics in strategic decision making. Management of Organizations: Systematic Review, 2012(62), 7-23.

Hang, X., & Wang, C. (2012). Strategic decision-making in small and medium-sized enterprises: Evidence from Australia. International Journal of Business Studies, 19(2), 91-110.

Kong-Hee, K. (2012). Emotion and strategic decision-making behavior: Developing a theoretical model. International Journal of Business & Social Science, 3(1), 105-113.

Mitchell, J. R., Shepherd, D. A., & Sharfman, M. P. (2011). Erratic strategic decisions: When and why managers are inconsistent in strategic decision making. Strategic Management Journal, 32(7), 683-704.

Nemati, A. R., Bhatti, A. M., Maqsal, M., Mansoor, I., & Naveed, F. (2010). Impact of resource based view and resource dependence theory on strategic decision making. International Journal of Business & Management, 5(12), 110-115.

Park, N. K., Kim, J., & Kim, H. (2011). Strategic decision-making mechanism of Yuhan-Kimberly: 1984-2007. Asian Case Research Journal, 15(1), 63-95. 

Rahman, N., & de Feis, G. L. (2009/2010). Strategic decision-making: Models and methods in the face of complexity and time pressure. Journal of General Management, 35(2), 43-59. 

Vaitkevicius, S., Jucevicius, R., & Kriaucioniene, M. (2005). Model of strategic analysis tools taxonomy. Social Sciences, 49(3), 30-38.

Yim, N. H., Kim, S. H, Kim., H. W., & Kwahk, K. Y. (2004). Knowledge based decision making on higher level strategic concerns: System dynamics approachExperts Systems with Applications, 27(1), 143-158.



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Julie Rustad
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